Unsung Heroes

My journey doesn’t begin with me, it begins with everyone else. It begins with a supportive mother, father, and sister. It begins with two sets of loving grandparents, an aunt, a cousin. It beings with friends who are like rare books of which but only one copy was made. It begins with our teachers in teaching others that we teach ourselves. It begins with our coworkers, our advisers, our seniors. It begins with those who create in our minds a world far better than the one we have created for ourselves. It begins with those who sacrifice their lives everyday to protect ours. It begins with the store clerk and the volunteer, those who contribute productively to our society and our very existence. It begins with the crossing guard and the school children. It begins with the principal and the janitor. It begins with the garbage man. It begins with our relatives and our neighbors. It begins with our bus drivers, truck drivers, taxi drivers, pilots, and railway conductors. It begins with our electricians, plumbers, carpenters, and our mailmen. It all begins with a different kind of hero.

It doesn’t begin with space cowboys or men with a mask and a cape. It doesn’t begin with celebrities. It begins, however, with those heroes that “fly beneath the radar.” It simply begins with a recognition for their efforts precisely because they did not ask for it.

It begins with unsung and ends with hero.

Aleksandr R. Chandra